Welcome to the groups tracking page.
Groups tracking In Real Time. You need to travel in groups and track each other's location on the map? You need to track your city buses or company trucks, cars, ships or airplanes' location on the map? You need to track your company's mobile devices' location? Do you need to track your family members on the road or in a big shopping mall? This website can do it for you. No need to install any software, hardware or equipment on your truck, car, computer or cell phone. It can be a one-time use. It can also be used as a backup when your truck or car's GPS device is broken. As long as you do not use this website, you will not be tracked any more. When you want to do groups tracking, just use computer or cell phone's browser to go to this website and create a group id and name. It's that simple! You can also mirror your iPhone & Android onto Apple CarPlay for group tracking.
Groups tracking using a browser has some advantages over other GPS equipment tracking systems. User can close the browser to finish the tracking. This is very important because sometimes it is prohibited to track employees outside of work hours. Some other GPS equipment tracking systems need to install some GPS tracking equipment on the vehicle. So employees are tracked outside of work hours, which is prohibited in some countries.
Privacy notice: By using this website, you allow this website to use your approximate or exact location, and you agree that your current approximate or exact location can be shown on the global map on this page and seen by others. We use third party free map services provider MapLibre's map services. If you have any questions about the map services, please contact MapLibre. Here is MapLibre's website: https://maplibre.org/. This website also uses Google Analytics to collect info.
Copyright 2024 Ming's IT Services Ltd.